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Natasha is a second year Doctoral Researcher at Loughborough University, based in the Communication and Media department within the School of Social Science and Humanities. Her thesis, which is in collaboration with BT Heritage and Archives, is creating the first complete history of the Electrophone in Britain. The Electrophone was a telephone decide existing from 1893 - 1925 that broadcast infotainment to private residences.

Natasha is an experienced writer and blogger. For her MA in Public History, completed at Royal Holloway University of London, she wrote a play that was performed in London in July 2019. This play, Mum is MAD!, is available to listen to online or read on the LU Arts web page as part of the International Womens Day celebrations of 2019. She has two blogs, including Housebound Histories which was formed to tell local history stories during lockdown, and hosted articles from regular contributors as well as a number of guest writers.

About: About Me
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